
We predict that:

The mechanism underlying gravity is entanglement

Predictions – Dark Matter (click here to read)

Michael Manthey                Douglas Matzke

24 april 2012.

*Two* Higgs Particles??

Seeing all this buzz about maybe two Higgs particles, we offer the following (first posted 20 December).

We had just submitted the TauQuernion paper for refereeing a few days before the news broke that there were perhaps two forms of the Higgs particle. As it turns out, there in Table 5 on page 29 are precisely two Higgs-born forms of proto-mass! So this is an early test of our analysis; the tendency will be to wait and see if it’s a data-blip.

Our analysis (we’re computer scientists, so it’s going to look strange to many readers) yields a Higgs structure of the form H = (ab-cd) + (ac+bd) + (ad-bc), where the six bi-vectors are spins. The three parenthesized pairs are quaternion isomorphs – but irreversible – and, simultaneously, quantum entanglement operators.

This suggests that entanglement effects might be intruding.

In addition, the non-nilpotent (ie. proto-mass) forms of H represent either 7.08 or 13.1 bits of information (an *exact* calculation). Both forms can differ from a nilpotent H-form by as little as a single spin flip.

That there are two proto-mass forms might be affecting the calculations. [The co-boundary of all of these forms is abcd, the putative mass carrier.]

We hope this information will be helpful. The title of our paper is

“Tauquernions Tx, Ty, Tz: 3+1 Dissipative Space out of Quantum Mechanics”

where we report the discovery of a triple of *irreversible* isomorphs to the classical quaternion triple, which latter map 1-1 to the Pauli basis via sqrt(-1). We also report four phases of dark matter. See .  [The numbers mentioned above are in Table 5 on page 29.]


Michael Manthey & Douglas Matzke


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